My 2021 Annual Review

As I have gotten older I have begun to notice a few wrinkles in how I see the world. Slight changes such as watching my loved one’s age to a different perspective on seeing young kids passing me by.

One of the things which feel has impacted my view of the world is the realization of how quickly a year goes by. While 365 days once felt like an eternity filled with highs and lows now feels like a small indentation in the book of one’s life.

Maybe this is just the further realization of something I realized years ago? That we are only on this planet for so many years and if we are blessed enough to live a long healthy life we will under no fault of our own take for granted the ways we have grown and where we have spent our time each year.

That is why it is so important to look back in order to be successful going forward. This being the fourth year I have written a “Year in Review” I can confidently say that 2021 may have been my most successful and impactful year yet.

Despite the economic and global macro challenges of a pandemic, I was able to travel the world, make the biggest commitment of my life, and succeed beyond my wildest goals at work. All the while, I stayed true to the core principles which I judge myself and built some great relationships along the way.

There is still so much more to accomplish as it relates to my career, personal development, my relationships, my personal finance goals, and health goals. And I believe building the processes to think critically about these areas helps me determine the signal from the noise and where to place my bets.

Below are my thoughts on what went well in 2021 and what areas I came up with short. I also included thoughts on what I will take from this year and some data on where I spent my time.


This year was one of a kind in many ways: from a global pandemic and having to live in a world being stricken each day with doom and gloom news, to a career leap that I had been hoping to do for years; to the postponement of our wedding date and last but not lease to buying a new home that will be the roof over our heads for years to come.

A ton happened in 2020, and I am proud to say I have made it through.

Although not without scratches and scares and burns and bruises. But there is still plenty more to accomplish and I see great things on the horizon.

What went well and where did I set myself to gain in the future?

 The Ultimate Commitment – After Almost twenty-four months of waiting, Jackie and I finally got married on s Sunday Evening in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. Surrounded by close to 150 of our closest friends, we said our vows in the backdrop of one of the nicest golf courses in the world. After the ceremony that was packed with small thunderstorm rumblings, we were ushered upstairs to a fantastic party filled with hours of continuous dancing roast/songs from our siblings-in-law.

By some strange act of timing, May 2021’ was a period where there was so much optimism as it relates to COVID and there was no fear of another variant. As such, the energy and love in the room and that weekend were endless. I can say without a doubt it lived up to expectations and was one of the best days of my life.

I think it is important to look at the successful marriages and relationships in one’s life to learn what they did/continue to do well that has set them up for success. The truth is, marriage has never been as easy to end, and although you can’t guarantee what the person you marry will become you can make a commitment to support them and approach the world as a team.

I believe that commitment can teach you things outside of just marriage. Simply putting your head down and do the work, and avoid the distractions that this world has to offer.

Looking back on 2021, I may forget about the small work wins or the quick vacations. But I won’t forget my wedding and starting this new chapter of my life. Being married to the right person sets you up for ultimate success. And although only eight months in I know there are plenty more adventures for us ahead.

Do you Job – The world of selling SaaS software focused on Employee Spending to enterprise companies was anything but easy this year. Not only was I unable to travel and get to know my customers, one could argue the software I was selling has never been less important due to the impact of COVID.

That being said, I made it my priority this year to focus on my craft and continue to become a successful account executive. Navigating the challenges of selling internally and threading the line between building real demand for the software I sell while creating acceptable commercial business cases senior-level executives review is a skill that takes years to develop.

In 2021, I knocked it out of the park. Not only was I able to build strong relationships with my customers I delivered 190% of revenue vs my goal contributions and finished third in the country. Some of these wins included global transformations while others involved new solutions with limited internal help where I had to figure out the best way to go to market.

Not only did doing so well provide me material success, more importantly, it provided proof that showing up to work each day and doing the small things work out. Things such as being responsive with your customers to support them and understanding their business goals are the true ways to long-term success. And although much of the success is beyond my control, all I can do is the things we control such as partnering internally with other team members and making the process of working with me as easy as possible.

Next year I am taking on a new challenge of supporting global accounts such as General Motors, Qualcomm, Microsoft, Costco and will look back to the success I had in 2021 to continue my momentum.

Pushing Myself Outside of Comfort Zone – It is easy to fall into a rut and stay doing the same thing. When things become repetitive, they become mindless and you not only don’t appreciate them anymore you lose that sense of purpose.

This year I was able to push myself not only by traveling to Colorado and hiking Mount Ida but by also pushing myself to become more involved in my community and accomplished this by joining a basketball league.

Mount Ida was a 10 Mile 13K Peak hike that my brother and I conquered in Six+ hours. We saw all sorts of animals included deer, marmots, finches, and all sorts of birds. The hike was a constant push without any cover and although I wanted to turn back multiple times I felt an extreme sense of accomplishment when it was done.

I look forward to doing more hikes and pushing myself here and I think about if it’s possible to try for once a year to travel around to do different hikes.

Working fully remote and not being able to travel for the past two years has without a doubt had an impact on the relationships I have in my city. As such, I wanted to get involved and thought a great way to do this was to join a local basketball league. Although it doesn’t sound difficult to do and is nothing like a 10 Mile plus hike the ability to join an organization locally where I knew no one and show up constantly to a point where I have a larger impact is an accomplishment I am proud of.

Not only was I able to meet new people I actually built some connections in the local community that should help me for years to come. I look forward to playing in the league for the long term and leveraging this to get more involved around the city and my local community.

Between getting married, traveling across the country and world, and going above and beyond at my job some things just didn’t happen this year. This could be the result of lack of money, lack of time or just lack of focus.

I hope to focus on the areas below as although 2021 was the year where I made as much progress as I liked I am confident that 2022 will be a year of great success here.

What slipped out of reach or where did I come up a little short?

Expanding Real Estate Portfolio – As I think about financial freedom and the best investment assets that can help me accomplish this I continue to want to focus on real estate. One of my goals this year was to purchase an investment property for short-term rentals.

The reality is though, real estate prices exploded in 2021, and 2022 doesn’t look like it is will be any cheaper. The markets in the south such as Nashville and around Florida where I am targeting continue to be impacted by the flock to the south and Covid.

I envision using Airbnb and other property management software to manage a short-term rental in a city in the south. It would be great if it was a city and the property was good enough that Jackie and I could use it when it is not being rented.

Although I wasn’t able to purchase a property this year, I was able to save up the funds for the down payment but have some work to do on narrowing where I want to invest. I aim to accomplish this by Q2 of 2022’.

Purchasing a MicroSaaS – Lots of the skills that I hope to develop including managing and running my own business are very difficult to manage while I focus on making a large impact during my day job and supporting my global customers.

Things such as working on developing a product, understanding new marketing channels or learning the best no-code tools still remain important to me. I made a goal of trying to purchase a small SaaS tool and see if I could grow it and unfortunately, I was unable to get to a point I was comfortable enough to pull the trigger.

I would like to purchase a tool from a founder who doesn’t have the time/interest to grow the business and then use my sales and management skills to employ the right partners to grow the business. I think this would also help me leverage the network and channel of Atlanta that I would love to navigate or maybe help me for the next chapter of my career.

I am optimistic that this year I can pull the trigger on a SaaS solution that is small enough that I can manage it with all my other commitments.

Volunteering in the Community –   It’s important to give back to the community or do things that not only don’t scale but that isn’t about making money. I think with a sales-oriented job that is all about money this is even more important to continue to spend time thinking about.

That’s why I wanted to get more involved in my community and find a recurring place where I can donate my time or give back. Although I found a channel through work where I donated my time that was only once and I know I can do more than that. I need to make volunteering a non-negotiable and set the terms where it is a key part of my life.

When I think about what would be a good place to do this I want to stay away from virtual events or remote volunteering. I hope this year I can volunteer at least 4 times a year  (once per quarter) with an organization I am proud to support.

What Did I learn?

As I leave 2021, a few items jump out at me as to where I felt I learned the most.

Integrating another person into your life – There are a ton of decisions that have to be made when you get married. You are no longer one person going through life solo you are a couple and as such you have to become one unit.

I learned that so many decisions have to be made as a team. Things such as name changes, document changes, bills, retirement goals, and savings goals have to be clearly brought up and discussed as a team.

Although it hasn’t been easy, getting together and having tough conversations, and figuring out what is important is something that I was able to learn how to do. It is harder at first when you have to feel each other out but the truth is you have to sacrifice and find the middle group for both of you.

It’s never easy to change the path that you are on or to have to change what is important to you. But that is what marriage is and figuring out a way to integrate two separate people into one stronger team is one most important things I have learned and continue to learn.

Stop Chasing Investments – With a curious mindset and a financial background, it is easy for me to fall chasing the most recent IPO  or the hottest alternative investment. What I have learned is all of that energy on trying to pick a winner or time the market can be used doubling down on earning more income, enjoying my life, or learning skills that will help me long term.

A perfect example is tech investments vs the slow and boring Boggle head type investments. It might sound sexy to go after the winners but after a while, you start forgetting your principals and are chasing after the next big thing.

I have gotten better this year and focusing less on the type of funds and more on the process of setting and forgetting and letting compound interest do its magic.

Creating a Networking List – One of the things I like about learning how to be efficient in sales is how those skills work in other areas. A key part of sales is keeping up with your contacts and relationships and there is no better way to do that than having a CRM.

But sometimes after a strong first meeting, things just flake out and you lose touch. So how do you capitalize on that or how do you build a system specifically as you build your network?

I learned that having a CRM for the people you want to network with (inside and outside your job) is great to keep in touch. Simply putting these contacts on a sheet and periodically following back up with them can do wonders. But how about doing this for just networking?

Early in 2021, I made a list of the top individuals I wanted to stay in touch with and have used these conversations to stay top of mind and build relationships. This list is part of the reason I was able to land a promotion this past December.

Creating a list of the top people I want to network with and executing on it is one of the habits that I now have in my arsenal and will look to take advantage of now and going forward.


The Year by the Numbers

With all the ways we can track ourselves and all the different apps and systems of measurement I use I continue to want to hold myself accountable. Below are some of the metrics, KPI’s and ways I spent my time this year. I aim to continue to track myself going forward and learn to improve in the areas that may have fallen short.

Time Spent:

Color-Coded based on writing, coding, building, reading.

As you can tell, I went through highs and lows of tracking what was I doing. Most of the time here was spent journaling or writing. This is a major area to work on next year as I didn’t track my time as thoroughly as in previous years. 

Deals Closed: $2.7M Closed in New Software Revenue

Goes without saying I had a ton of success here. A record-setting year for me.

Books Read: Eight Books

With the influx of newsletters, audiobooks, articles, etc. it is hard to track what exactly you read each year. And although seven books are light, I know I can do more in this area.

Days Meditated:

I aim to meditate 100 days of the year so I came up pretty light. There were a few months where I just didn’t put the right time in. In 2022’ I aim to prioritize meditating and clearing my mind.

Working Out:

Peloton – 100 Rides

At the Gym – 86 Workouts

June 21’ – Started Playing Basketball Twice a Week

As my goal was 100 workouts and rides each year I came up a bit short. That being said I hit my Peloton target and if you include basketball I hit my goals.

Between running, walking, biking, or just using my Peloton it is hard to track all the ways I like to keep active. Based on my notes, over 125 days of last year I was active and made logging my activity through Strava a key part of my fitness routine.

Personal Finance Growth: 

Investment Returns– 88% Increase in Main Brokerage Account Balance

Assets I Expanding in: Bitcoin, Defi, I-Bonds, Savings for Investment Property

Completed HELOC and Refinance on Primary Home as well as a completed backyard project

Maxed Retirement 401k, HAS, and Backdoor IRA

Cities I Visited

Mykonos, Athens, Santorini, Dubrovnik, Kotor, Charleston, Nashville, Servile, Seattle, Denver, Key West,

My favorite place this year was going to Greece and spending time in Mykonos and Santorini. Truly a beautiful and wonderful place.

Favorite Book of the Year

My favorite book of the year wasn’t was from prior navy seal and leadership guru Jocko Willink. Some of the lessons shared are foundational to how I want to approach life.

Favorite Quotes of the Year: 

“Show me a man who is not a slave; one is a slave to lust, another to greed, another to ambition, and all men are slaves to fear.”

All the returns in life, whether in wealth, relationships, or knowledge, come from compound interest.” – Epictetus 

“When something is wrong or is going bad, you just look at me and say, “Good” – Jocko Willink 


Overall, there was a ton to be thankful for this year. I got married, went on my honeymoon and traveled, finish 3rd in the country in my job, and continued to build the habits and systems which will lead to my long-term success.

Most importantly, I remain healthy and have some great relationships in my life. I look forward to 2022’ and know that if I keep doing the little things that more good things will come my way.

1,624 thoughts on “My 2021 Annual Review

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